Unlocking the Mysteries of Live Posting on FB, Twitter, & Instagram

Suggested Speakers

  • Yumi Wilson
    San Francisco State University
#WorkHack You CAN Live Tweet. Yes, YOU. Join us as we demystify this critical skill for multimedia journalists and educators at #ONA17.

Session Description

I plan to work with the audience while going through best practices for live tweeting, posting, or Instagram-ing an event. As an example, I will walk the audience through live tweeting the Oscar Best picture mishap (or another relevant and timely event), as it happens – meaning we’d watch the video together and at certain points, I would stop the video and have everyone live post about the moment that just occurred. My plan is to have people team up into groups of two or three for this exercise. In addition, I will discuss the differences in how to approach content on these three platforms, which will involve audience, voice of outlet, and ethics.

How does your submission contribute to the diversity of the conference?

I am a woman who has worked in the journalism, nonprofit communication, and academic realms for many years, teaching at both Community Colleges and four-year universities. I live in San Francisco and have a clear understanding of this topic from several perspectives. Therefore, I can connect with many different audiences. In addition, my potential co-presenter is an ethnic minority and also female. I am also open to collaborating with others on this topic!

What will your audience have gained by the time your session is over?