Under the Hood: Career Advice for The Rest of Us
Our Under the Hood sessions offer a deep dive into bold ideas and are led by all types of newsroom leaders.
ONA offers plenty of career building advice for executives and early-career folks. This session is for the rest of us -- middle managers, people in first-time manager roles, professionals transitioning to new roles and freelancers.
In this unconventional format, we’ll start with lightning talks on a variety of mid-career challenges.
From there, you can choose your own adventure. Pick one of the ideas that piques your interest, then do a deeper dive with the presenters. Real -- but constructive -- talk is our goal.
The topics are:
- Zone 1: Practical realities: How to manage collaborative partnerships so you can do great work - Heather Bryant, Nasr ul Hadi, Stefanie Murray
- Zone 2: Stuck in the middle: Lessons in management - Emma Carew Grovum, P. Kim Bui
- Zone 3: The right stuff: Finding top talent from diverse backgrounds - Brittany Hite, Linda Shockley
This session is for:
- Anyone who feels stuck between just-starting-out and reaching that platinum-studded C-suite.
Speaker Resources
- Handout from Heather Bryant: Practical realities : How to manage collaborative partnerships so you can do great work.
- Here's a list of diversity resources from Linda Shockley for The Right Stuff discussion

Heather Bryant - Director, Project Facet
@HBCompass | http://hbcompass.io

P. Kim Bui - Editor-at-Large, NowThis
@kimbui | http://nowthisnews.com/

Emma Carew Grovum - Product Manager, The Daily Beast
@emmacarew | http://emmacarewgrovum.com

Nasr Ul Hadi - ICFJ Knight Fellow, Int'l Center for Journalists (ICFJ)
@nasrhadi | http://linkedin.com/in/nasrhadi

Brittany Hite - Senior Mobile Editor, The Wall Street Journal
@brittanyhite | http://wsj.com

Stefanie Murray - Director, Center for Cooperative Media
@stefaniemurray | http://stefaniemurray.com

Linda Shockley - Managing Director, Dow Jones News Fund
@djnf | http://dowjonesnewsfund.org

Andrew Losowsky - Project Lead, The Coral Project
@losowsky | http://losowsky.com