Innovations in Fact-Checking Your Government
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We’ve entered a golden age for fact-checking, with new teams of fact-checkers and digital tools sprouting up around the world. What are the latest digital tools they are using to unearth misinformation and hold public figures accountable to the real truth? How do you build a team of fact-checkers that gets results? How do you turn fact-checking into compelling stories? What is unique about fact-checking in the age of President Trump, and what can we learn from journalists who have faced these kinds of challenges for years? What works and what doesn’t?
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Speaker Resources
- Check out the speakers' slide deck

Eric Carvin - Social Media Editor, The Associated Press
@EricCarvin |

Angie Holan - Editor, PolitiFact
@AngieHolan |

Omar Mohammed - ICFJ Knight Fellow, International Center for Journalists
@shurufu |