What Product and News Designers Can Learn From Each Other
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Both news designers and product designers are trying to reach audiences through good design, but they face different challenges and have unique insights into what works. News designers are often asked to not only work on print (if your company has a print product), but are also expected to know how to code, art direct, illustrate and elevate storytelling across every format and medium available. On the flip side, product teams serving newsrooms need to understand the product that they’re tasked to improve: the cycle, the needs, the users, the reach. We believe that news designers and product designers can learn a lot from each other. This session will show how they can lift each other up and work towards building a better experience across the board.
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Emily Chow - Cartography Manager, Mapbox
@eschow | http://eschow.com

Jessica Parker Gilbert - Digital Creative Director, McClatchy
@jessicapgilbert | http://jessicaparkergilbert.com