[Unconference] SEO Meets Journalism: Google News Terms; Fundamentals You Need to Know
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This session was among the most popular pitched to our annual unconference, in which attendees can suggest topics they feel should be added to this year's schedule. The pitches are voted on by other attendees, and this year the top five were added to the ONA17 schedule.
We all want to make sure our work gets out to the biggest number of online readers possible. After producing quality articles, landing pages, videos, images, graphics, interactives, podcasts and more, the question becomes: How do you cut through the noise and find engaged readers?
Search engines are one of the classic referrers of web traffic to a news website. You know that, but do you still cringe when people mention SEO? Do you know a SERP from Google News Box? Publisher Carousel from AMP? How about your website’s search visibility?
We explain each Google News ranking type in plain terms, how and when articles can be indexed and ranked, and how publishers can optimize their pages to get a wider search audience, using some examples from the Trisolute News Dashboard SEO tool. Tobias Fellner-Jost, Trisolute News Dashboard news SEO strategist, will lead the discussion.
The unconference is generously supported by Medium.
Speaker Resources
- Check out the presenters' slide deck

Chelsey Heath - SEO Strategist, Trisolute News Dashboard

Tobias Fellner-Jost - Founder, Trisolute News Dashboard