Disrupting the Misinformation Network, Hosted by Storyful [Sponsored]
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"Fighting fake news" may have been the hot topic in digital journalism for the last year, but the real fight against viral falsehoods and misinformation is more complex. The purveyors of misinformation aren’t simply Internet dabblers and Macedonian teenagers. Many are part of an intricate map of networks, each with varying agendas and methods for spreading propaganda, extremism and fake viral stories. As different as those networks are, all of them rely on social media to coordinate and spread misinformation and most get their primary funding from a digital advertising model built on pageviews.
In this special preview session ahead of ONA17, we will look at the ongoing efforts to combat the effects of misinformation networks. Storyful, the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism and Moat have teamed up to identify the primary purveyors of fake news and misinformation in order to disrupt their business model and protect brands and advertisers from unknowingly contributing to this widespread, international problem.
We will discuss where misinformation originates, who is behind it, how campaigns are coordinated, how it is funded and what we can do to stop it -- all based on the research by Storyful's team and trusted partners in the space. Our panel will talk for roughly 30-45 minutes, then we'll open the floor to audience questions, followed by an informal reception.
Please RSVP for this event here.
This session is generously supported by Storyful.

Benjamin Decker - Research Coordinator, Storyful
@btdecker | http://storyful.com/

Dan Fichter - CTO, Moat
@moat | https://moat.com/

Molly de Aguiar - Managing Director, News Integrity Initiative / CUNY Graduate School of Journalism
@MollydeAguiar | http://journalism.cuny.edu

Mandy Jenkins - Head of News, Storyful
@mjenkins | https://storyful.com/