Mollie Bloudoff-Indelicato

A freelance reporter and editor, Mollie is creating a database of minority and female scientists to address the lack of diverse perspectives represented or cited in science writing. She started working on the project after she’d written several articles on a tight deadline and found she was quoting only white males.

Mollie has been a freelance reporter and editor since 2014. Her work has appeared in National Geographic, Christian Science Monitor, The Atlantic and on National Public Radio and Al Jazeera America, where she exposed widespread arsenic poisoning in Latin America. She is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, where she received a BA in Media Studies and of Columbia University where she received an MS in Digital Media. She also was a visiting scholar at Oxford where she studied environmental health and molecular genetics.

Prior to freelancing full time, Mollie was a senior editor for Everyday Health, a multimedia reporter for Scientific American and a reporting fellow for Climatewire.