Midway session: Everyone loves data visualization

We’ve changed the Midway programming approach for ONA17 to give attendees more insider information and best practices. This year will feature 10 panel discussions highlighting Midway participants’ areas of expertise, unique data, research and industry analysis — no pitches, no fluff. Maps and more: Engage your audience through data visualization Friday, Oct. 6, 2-3 p.m.…  Read More

Midway panel: Doing more with less

We’ve changed the Midway programming approach for ONA17 to give attendees more insider information and best practices. This year will feature 10 panel discussions highlighting Midway participants’ areas of expertise, unique data, research and industry analysis — no pitches, no fluff. Maximizing the value of your journalism with fewer resources in a multi-platform world Thursday,…  Read More

Midway session: The role of data + journalism in a post-truth society

We’ve changed the Midway programming approach for ONA17 to give attendees more insider information and best practices. This year will feature 10 panel discussions highlighting Midway participants’ areas of expertise, unique data, research and industry analysis — no pitches, no fluff. Find information better: New ways to research and access information Thursday, Oct. 5, 3:30…  Read More

Midway session: Producing high quality, engaging video on-the-go

We’ve changed the Midway programming approach for ONA17 to give attendees more insider information and best practices. This year will feature 10 panel discussions highlighting Midway participants’ areas of expertise, unique data, research and industry analysis — no pitches, no fluff. Audience Engagement Through Video: Live, Mobile, and More Friday, Oct. 6, 12-1 p.m. –…  Read More

Immersive Journalism 101 in the Midway

In response to participant and attendee feedback, we’ve changed the Midway programming approach for ONA17 to give attendees more insider information and best practices. This year will feature 10 panel discussions highlighting Midway participants’ areas of expertise, unique data, research and industry analysis. No pitches, no fluff.  Noon-1 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 5: “Deep Dive into Immersive…  Read More

Midway participants, programming revamp announced

I have a 4 1/2-year-old who has created a very active, imaginary office/island Lego continent. A significant part of his “work” is building versions of the Midway. Before I started working with ONA, the kid had never heard the word. So imagine his surprise when we went to Disney in June and encountered the Toy…  Read More